Holding On

Holding On


Award-winning BBC drama series, following the interconnected lives of several characters in 1990s London, starring David Morrissey and Phil Daniels.After a beautiful young woman is found brutally murdered, a diverse group of Londoners, connected to her in some way, are all forced to confront the way they live their lives in contemporary London. While some make the choice to fight injustice, others begin to sink even further into despair and degradation.This is a tapestry of interwoven personal stories featuring more than 25 characters. All are united by their efforts to survive in London in the 1990s.Starkly contemporary, fast-paced and unsentimental, occasionally shocking and often funny, the tales build towards climaxes that are sometimes cataclysmic, sometimes healing.RTS award winner for Best Drama Serial and Best Writer (Tony Marchant)1998 BAFTA award winner for Best Drama Serial7.7 IMDB RatingStars David Morrissey (The Walking Dead)

16.04 CHF   32.65 CHF

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