


An original TV anime series by acclaimed animation studio TRIGGER (Kill la Kill) and the renowned writer Mari Okada (Maquia: When the Promised Flowers Bloom, The Anthem of the Heart).Even within the confines of the futuristic Sugomori City, Katsuhira Agata is a very unique high school boy - someone who simply cannot feel any pain whatsoever. Bullied and isolated, his world is set to shift seismically when he meets a strange girl named Noriko Sonozaki.Before he knows it, Agata has been linked to a number of his classmates as part of a group created to share any pain each of them feels via a system known as Kiznaiver . Tasked with various trials by Sonozaki as they serve as guinea pigs under the Kiznaiver system, could Agata and his new comrades experiences be the key to their own self-discovery?Contains the complete 12 episode series on Blu-Ray with both the English dub and the original Japanese track with English subtitles.Episodes:Complete Series, Episodes 1-12

21.58 CHF   45.93 CHF