
Marvel Studio's Doctor Strange Double Pack
Journey into the unknown in these two action-adventure films from Marvel Studios. First, witness Doctor Strange's (Benedict Cumberbatch) intriguing origin story.Next, In Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness, Strange enlists help from old and new allies as he traverses mind-bending alternate realities to confront a surprising adversary.Doctor StrangePlay Movie With Intro Featurettes: A Strange Transformation, Strange Company, The Fabric of Reality, Across Time and Space, The Score-cerer Supreme Marvel Studios Phase 3 Exclusive Look Team Thor: Part 2Deleted & Extended Scenes Gag Reel Audio Commentary By Director Scott DerricksonDoctor Strange In The Multiverse Of MadnessAudio Commentary: CommentaryFeaturettes: Constructing the MultiverseFeaturettes: Method to the MadnessFeaturettes: Introducing America ChavezBloopers: Gag ReelDeleted Scenes: A Great TeamDeleted Scenes: It's Not PermanentDeleted Scenes: Pizza Poppa
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